Friday, February 10, 2012

I have exciting news!!!!!!!!

So exciting that I can't spill the beans. But I will tell you that I have a test shoot with a very well-known brand/company in three weeks. I just finalized all the details. And I. Am. Thrilled.

This actually coincides perfectly with my "I need to stop eating like a cow" thing. For dinner today, I had a cucumber salad. A big cucumber, half a container of grape tomatoes, juice of half a lemon, a few healthy shakes of oregano, and a tiny bit of feta. I will ROCK this shoot.

Speaking of which, if you're in Tempe, are available Thursday afternoons, and have stellar hair/makeup skills, I would love to take advantage of your services in three weeks. I'll repay you in dinner, baked goods, and/or wine. (Or if you're a professional MUA with reasonable rates, I'm willing to chat about that, too.)

I'm heading to bed. I feel so super overwhelmed with life/school/everything lately. My sleep schedule is wacky, my homework list is overwhelming, and my house is a mess. So tomorrow, I will sleep in, roast some asparagus and maybe some butternut squash if I can rustle up that much energy, and do the dishes. Then it will probably be time for a nap, even though I won't actually have time for one. Pat's birthday celebration is tomorrow night, so I won't even get to retire early. I was asked to DD in a round-about way, and think I might have gotten voluntold. Perhaps I'll be the loser at the bar in the corner with my homework, since Lord knows I have plenty of it.

Anyway, I'm off to hopefully dream some sweet dreams. Enjoy all those zzzzzzzzzzs you're getting, and catch a few extras for me!


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