Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I went to my very first Zumba class yesterday!!!! I had such a blast. I bought a Groupon back in August (two, actually) for four dance fitness classes at Express Mie, a female dance fitness studio that's right down the street. I finally activated them on Monday and went to my first class yesterday. It was taught by Serina, who apparently is taking a break after this week, which I'm a little bummed about. I don't think I have ever produced as much sweat in one workout as I did in that 45-minute class.

Today, I took a bath with my favorite birdy. He kept flying on my head when I was in the shower, so I put him down on the tub ledge. He went to town. I tried to get a video, but he stopped as soon as I turned the water off. I did get a few of him preening afterward, with his wet feathers, though. As soon as I can get my phone to recognize my computer again, I'll upload and link them. He's been absolutely adorable today! He fell asleep on one of my slippers earlier, just hanging out on the floor.

Nothing else terribly exciting happened today. Tomorrow and Friday, I'm modeling for a sculpture class, so I need to make some lunch stuff here in a little bit, and I'll probably head to bed early. I also got less than 6 hours of sleep last night, so that would probably be a good idea anyway.

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