Thursday, October 6, 2011

First day of work!

Finally home, at 10:30. I absolutely adore the people I work with. And apparently this weekend should be really low-key, so it should be a blast.

I spent almost half an hour on the phone earlier today talking to a reporter who is doing a piece on PTSD and addiction, and how it affects the family. I'm really looking forward to seeing the final product! I feel like Family of a Vet has given me so many opportunities to share my knowledge (today, a large portion of it was on PTSD itself, the brain changes associated with that, and how that translates into personality changes, etc.) to help others. I truly feel blessed to be a part of such an amazing organization.

Today's photo (#20):
Laura posted a few days ago about the crazy lady who both complimented and insulted her Danskos at the same time. Well today was the first day beautiful enough to wear mine, so I had to take a picture!

I have an Organic Chemistry test in the morning so I should probably do some studying. Just wanted to update quickly with the exciting happenings of today! Ciao!

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